How to Survive Homeschool
A step by step guided course to help you successfully get started with homeschool without losing your mind.
Are you unsure about where to even begin when it comes to homeschooling? You may be thinking...
What do I even teach?
How do I create a schedule?
What materials will I need?
Is it even worth all the stress to try to figure this homeschooling thing out?!
Let me help you save your precious time by giving you TONS of resources in one place to make homeschooling 100x easier and less stressful!
Check out these customer testimonials!
The how to survive homeschool course will help you feel better about your decision to homeschool. This course will help you to...
Choose a curriculum or learning program based on your family’s needs and wants
Create a realistic learning schedule that actually works for you and your child
Feel confident about what your child needs to know with ready made checklists and templates customized by grade level
Figure out which materials to use to help you teach and to help your child learn